The video clips are now online. Here are the links with a brief description of each one. Those with high speed internet access will be able to view them without too much difficulty.
- Viorel Catarama conducts a commitment service before lay people are given their DVD players and New Beginnings lessons.
- Several lay people were concerned a woman was present for the training session (Men only usually do this type of work). Musa assured them it was okay for a woman to preach by recounting how Jesus commanded a Samaritan woman to go tell others about what He had done for her.
- We'll never forget the sweet sounds of the lay people singing in Swahili:
- Ride along with us on the bumpy, rain soaked road for just a little while. "Just a Boring Old Freeway."
- We brought with us a sound system so our daughter, Tammy, would sound special. The African lay people really enjoyed her singing. Needless to say, we did, too! We were glad we bought the sound system. The church's sound system had been stolen the week before. Now Musa has a system he can plug into his Land Cruiser, along with his laptop computer, and video projector.
- In Swahili Tammy tried to tell the children to sing faster, faster. We repeated what she had said after watching the video -- "Oh no, I didn't say that, did I?" was her response. "It means slower, slower. No wonder the children were confused."
- The final video here is a rather large file, but worth downloading . . . it starts out with our drive up the hill from Heri Hospital, and the response of more than 200 children who were waiting for our vehicle to arrive.